대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱가격

Shin So-bong informed me that Lee Dun had arrived.

“The Duke Sangseo has come to see Your Majesty.”

Study Award Hwang Seok-bu.He was in charge of a

government that had once been destroyed and disa

ppeared. He was a man of great standing.There were

many twists and turns as he worked his way up the r

anks of civil servants, who built numerous buildings

on site until his death.Gongbu (工部) is a place that

manages the factories, civil engineering, and architec

ture to which craftsmen belong.Of course, specializ

ed knowledge was needed.Unlike Jeonrisa or Pandos

a, it was not a position where just anyone could sit. T

his was the part I was most worried about while revivi

ng my studies.The head should be someone who know

s the field.But there was no way there was someone l

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ike that in the cabal.It had been a long time since the

study was abolished, and all the actual work was hand

led by those below, so no one knew much about it.

Meanwhile, he unearthed Hwangseokbu.“Welcome. T

hank you for your hard work in getting to Seogyeong.

“What is the situation there?”Hwang Seok-bu had to

visit Seogyeong (Pyongyang).Since large-scale constr

uction was going to be carried out, we had to start by

conducting a basic site visit.This was because Seogyeon

g was selected as the center of northern development.

First of all, it had to be made so that people could live

there.At first, based on its geographical location, I ha

d in mind Ganggye County, which would be good for

protecting the north.The problem is that it is not Go

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ryeo territory yet, and even if it were possible, develop

ment costs would be higher than Seogyeong.“I looked

through the records as you asked, but there were a lot

of areas that needed fixing.”“I guess it has to be tha

way.”Seo-kyung was unlucky in many ways.Now it is

almost in a state of neglect.It was worth it because th

ere, Myocheong’s relocation movement to Seogyeong

, the Jowichong’s rebellion, and Hong Bok-won’s reb

ellion broke out one after another.There was also a

Mongol invasion.After Choi Tan offered Seogyeong a

nd nearby castles to the Yuan Dynasty, it became Do

ngnyeongbu (東寧府) for a while and was ruled by th

e Yuan Dynasty.It was 65 years ago that the place wa

s returned.“This is a drawing of Seo-gyeong drawn by t

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he artist who accompanied me. “The castle wall is almo

st ready to collapse and needs to be repaired.”“To what

extent is this possible?”“There is significant variation d

epending on how many workers are mobilized for rep

airs.”I was worried for a moment.How many people ar

e currently available for mobilization?Most of the Japa

nese pirates caught by Zhou Deyu were put into the m

ines and could not be taken out.There were quite a few

people there who had recently become slaves by execut

ing their subordinates.