대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격
대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

Still, it was quite a generous catch.However, it was ver

y different from what Jeonghwi expected.“I think ther

e are at least 50,000 people. “The end of the processio

n is almost impossible to see, so there is a high possib

ility that it will be longer than that.”“Did you see it co

rrectly?”Anish, who was next to me, asked again.He

was Mulnanur’s second-in-command and was mainly

responsible for managing the local soldiers.Having spe

nt a long time among the Goryeo people, I was quite fl

uent in the Goryeo language, so I understood the wor

d 50,000 people without an interpreter.“I checked it s

everal times. “I’m sure.”The messenger answered wi

th a confident expression.It was more than he expect

ed, so everyone started buzzing. The problem is that

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

this is the dry season and the Amaravati River is dry.

It’s too easy to go beyond that.Moreover, Mulnanur

‘s total number of soldiers did not exceed 10,000.

This place was like an outpost.In fact, the place whe

re the largest number of soldiers are concentrated is

Dandigul, 140 ri (55 km) away.There are about 50,0

00 soldiers being trained by Hong Gui and Holchi, w

ho was appointed as an instructor. Anish advised th

at they should be brought in immediately.“Please hu

rry up and request support from Dandigul.”Of cou

rse, I will send a support request, butI didn’t think

they would come on time.It takes more than four

days to get here, including the messenger’s travel

time and preparations for the war.It took that lo

ng to actually train.First of all, as a soldier here,

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

I had to endure somehow and buy time.“Even if

I send a messenger right now, it will take three o

r four days at the earliest.”“Then what should I d

o?”“Is there any other way than to hold out until

then?”Jeonghwi answered as if it was no big deal.

I don’t know about other places, but more than 30

% of the artillery imported from Goryeo is deploye

d here.There was not only enough gunpowder, bu

t also overflowing. However, if there was one thin

g that was a little disappointing, it was that the tr

oops were slightly lacking.“Go now and double th

e security at the powder keg. And distribute the g

unpowder to the artillerymen stationed on the cas

대전알라딘룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전알라딘룸싸롱가격 유성스머프룸싸롱 대전스머프룸싸롱가격

tle wall.”The most important thing now was to pr

otect the powder keg in case of an unexpected ope

ration.If that thing explodes, Mulnanur will be com

pletely destroyed, regardless of its defenses or anyt

hing else.His lieutenants knew that too, so they m

oved right away.But no one was anxious or anythin

g like that. Rather, he was happy, as if he had bee

n waiting for this moment. No, Xu shook his head

as he looked at them like that.“They seem like peop

le who are impatient because they can’t fight.”

He did see it correctly.Holchi was very thirsty fo

r his major.Those who were trained together made

many contributions by subduing the Ssangseong Gen

eral Government Department and Japanese pirates.